晶宴民生 | Karl+Alicia | 婚攝

晶宴民生 | Karl+Alicia | 婚攝

晶宴民生, 晶宴民生會館, 晶宴民生婚攝, 晶宴, 晶宴婚攝推薦, 台北婚攝, 新竹婚攝, 婚攝推薦, 婚攝阿超, 婚禮攝影, 婚禮紀錄, 婚禮紀實, 婚禮紀錄攝影, 晶宴民生婚禮, 晶宴民生婚宴, 晶宴會館, 婚攝超哥, 婚攝推薦超哥, 婚攝推薦阿超

Best wishes for many years of happiness for the two of you.
Such a warm, touching and lovely wedding! Congratulations!!!
May the joy you share on your wedding day
Be the kind you’ll share all along life’s way.


婚攝 :  婚攝阿超 | 婚攝伊伊

婚錄: 白兔專業婚禮錄影 BeTwo Studio

超好攝 婚攝攝影 / 婚攝阿超    新竹婚攝

器材= Nikon D4 x 24-70mm f2.8 x 14-24mm f2.8